SIMONA was founded as “Carl SimonSöhne” in Germany in 1857. In 1969, company has the name that is used today. Company has 1350 employees.
Company has increased product range each day with innovative approach to plastic sector. The first pressed polyethylene sheets were produced by SIMONA in the world. Besides, since 2009, SIMONA is the only producer that produces polypropylene (PP-H) sheets, rods and pipes with DIBt (DeutchesInstitutfürBautechnik) certificate.
PE, PP, PVC ve PVDF are the main items that are produced and sold. Since 1965, company has increased product range by production of pipes, and later plastic fittings respectively.
With these products, SIMONA is able to offer service to many sectors such as chemical industry, energy, environment, agriculture and construction applications.
SIMONA won prize in 2009 as being one of the first 100 most innovative companies.
In 2014, SIMONA has bought Boltaron Company located in America and increased product range with special PVC alloys for aviation and railway applications.

Company has founded in 1949 and became the second polyamide producer in Europe in 1955. Later company has increased product range with cast polyamide, POM, PET and PEEK production.
The first factory of Zell Metall is in Austuria, while second factory was constructed in south Italy. In 2012, ZL Engineering Plastics in Kansas began to operate. With increasing product range and production locations, this company supplies products to 82 countries with 840 employees.