Plastics are generally acknowledged for their lightweight, skinfriendly properties, as well as offering the benefit of long-lasting functionality. Thanks to the high dimensional stability and efficient processability, these sheets are ideal for orthoses and prostheses production that are perfectly adapted to the patient's anatomy.
With more than 35 years’ experience, highest quality standards, excellent processing characteristics and certified (BfR, EU, FDA) skin compatibility properties SIMONA SIMOLIFE plastics are the most suitable plastics for ortopaedics sector. SIMONA SIMOLIFE products include PE-HD, PE-LD, PP, PET-G and EVA sheets.
Application field of each plastic is determined with its characteristic properties.
PE-HD | Corset, arm and leg orthesis and prothesis | Rigidity and strength |
PE-LD | Flexible interior prothesis, corset, arm and leg orthose and prothesis | Flexibility |
PP | Corset, arm and leg orthesis and prothesis | High rigidity and strength |
PET-G | Test socket | Transparency, suitability for thermoforming |
EVA | Flexible interior prothesis, foot orthose | High rigidity, excellent suitability for thermoforming |
Lower Arm Orthosis Processing
1. Preparing a plaster cast (negative cast)
2. Pouring the plaster into the negative cast
3. Shaping and measuring the plaster model (positive model)
4. Heating the sheet in the oven
5. Colouring the sheet with thermal colouration paper
6. Deep-drawing the heated sheet over the plaster model by means of vacuum forming
7. Orthosesis is cut and final reworked to fit the patient’s arm.
Interior Prosthetic Socket Processing
1. Heating the sheet in the oven
2. Adapting the sheet to the plaster model by means of vacuum forming
3. Marking the edge of the socket
4. Cutting the socket from these edges
5. Smoothing the edges
6. Fitting the interior socket to the frame